


As 你r child approaches preschool, 你’re probably as excited as 你 are nervous. 学前教育意味着你的孩子将学习新的技能, 交朋友, 建立一个早期的学术基础. 作为家长, 你 know these early years are about so much more than kindergarten-readiness; it’s also a time for instilling in 你r child the confidence 和 security needed to be successful inside 和 outside the classroom

Eastern Christian School’s preschool program is designed to accommodate little learners as the unique individuals God 创建d them to be. Through personalized attention 和 developmentally appropriate content 和 活动, 我们在每个学龄前儿童所在的地方与他们见面, 指导他们学习, 成长, 祈祷, 和玩耍.


以获得最好的感受新葡京app的早期儿童计划, 我们鼓励你安排一次校园参观.


游戏为主. 将其人化的. 


我们相信学校和家庭之间的紧密合作关系. 在孩子第一天上学前班之前, 你将和他们的老师见面参加听力会议, giving us the opportunity to learn about 你r child from the people who know them best — . 我们将满足, 至少, twice more throughout the year to ensure we’re all on the same page about 你r child’s development 和 progress.


  • Careful attention is paid to 你r child’s 成长th 和 learning to ensure 你r child is learning the right material at the right time. 教师通过以研究为基础的工具跟踪学生的发展 发展和学习的黄金目标,并通过半年度报告与您分享调查结果.
  • A technology-free zone: we underst和 你ng children learn best by manipulating concrete material so we keep our preschool classrooms screen-free according to a great deal of data that suggest the best way students learn at this age. 
  • 小班教学:我们希望我们最小的学习者感受到关心和了解, 这就是为什么我们的学生与老师的比例一直很低:学前教育是8:1, 幼稚园和过渡幼稚园的比例是10:1.

我们新泽西的米德兰公园, 幼儿园、小学 设有户外游乐区,健身房,和媒体中心.


It can be difficult to know if a full- or half-day program is best for 你r child’s developmental needs. Eastern Christian School offers both options with further flexibility for parents who are looking for a weekly schedule that accommodates both half- 和 full-days.

全天:早上8:30.m. – 2:45 p.m.

半日制:上午8:30.m. – 11:30 a.m.


  • 4月1日2岁 
  • 每周2天- T/Th
  • 每周三天- M/W/F
  • 每周5天 



u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022fasu0022 data-icon=u0022caret-rightu0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-caret-right fa-w-6u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022http://www.w3.org/2000/svgu0022 viewBox=u00220 0 192 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M0 384.662V127.338c0-17.818 21.543-26.741 34.142-14.142l128.662 128.662c7.81 7.81 7.81 20.474 0 28.284L34.142 398.804C21.543 411.404 0 402.48 0 384.662年zu0022u003eu003c / pathu003eu003c / svgu003e
  • 4月1日3岁 
  • 每周2天- T/Th
  • 每周三天- M/W/F
  • 每周5天 



u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022fasu0022 data-icon=u0022caret-rightu0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-caret-right fa-w-6u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022http://www.w3.org/2000/svgu0022 viewBox=u00220 0 192 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M0 384.662V127.338c0-17.818 21.543-26.741 34.142-14.142l128.662 128.662c7.81 7.81 7.81 20.474 0 28.284L34.142 398.804C21.543 411.404 0 402.48 0 384.662年zu0022u003eu003c / pathu003eu003c / svgu003e
  • 4月1日满4岁 
  • 每周5天


我们的 full-day students enjoy a morning of learning 和 fun in their classrooms, 与朋友共进午餐, 休息和玩耍的机会, 下午还有额外的教师活动. 

Half-day preschool students are exposed to the same core curriculum as those in our full-day program, 促进核心学科领域的幼儿园准备和熟练程度.


我们的 before 和 after school programs provide children with an opportunity for additional 活动 — both structured 和玩耍-based. 我们的 在上学前 节目早上7点开始.m. 俱乐部 从下午2:45开始供应吗.m. – 4:15 p.m. 和 后护理 下午6点前有空吗.m.

不确定你的孩子有资格上哪个班? 点击这里寻找答案.





“我们感到很幸运能成为一个以基督为中心的学习社区的一部分. We can’t count the number of times we reflect on how EC reinforces positive values for our daughter. 我们真切地感受到家、教堂和学校是紧密相连的. She comes home each day 和 shares her “EC adventures” with us 和 her little brother. 他很兴奋今年就要开学了. 在英侨,我们有信心把我们最珍贵的礼物留给老师, 工作人员, 以及关心他们发展各个方面的志愿者. 

We also really appreciate the PTO 和 striving to foster community amongst the parents.”



我们的 老师 are highly-qualified professionals 和 certified educators who intentionally design experiences 和 environments that support each student’s 成长th 和 development through play. 除了更传统的学前班课堂工具, 比如积木, 教具, 书, 纸, 和蜡笔, students gain an underst和ing of content through the creative use of shaving cream, 用手指画, 黏液, Oobleck, 熟意大利面, 还有很多其他的材料!

我们的 experienced educators design fun 和 engaging experiences through different learning centers to help students better underst和 material, 煽动创造力, 锻炼他们粗大和精细的运动技能. 学前教育ers spend an hour exploring learning centers every morning 和 again in the afternoon. 中心包括:

数学- - - - - - Little learners develop a conceptual underst和ing of math as they manipulate materials 和 practice counting, 添加, ,减去. 它们能识别图案、形状和数字. 

阅读 & 写作-  学生 explore letters 和 sounds in purposeful ways as they learn to write, 跟踪, 复制, 画, 和阅读. 

科学 & 社会研究—— Simple h和s-on experiments as well as examining real-world objects helps students learn to observe, 预测, 分类, 比较, 和问题. 

块, 大小,形状和空间都通过玩积木来探索.

艺术- - - - - - 学生 can creatively express their feelings 和 ideas while engaging fine 和 gross motor skills. 

〇感官探索 H和s-on 活动 like sorting 和 measuring help strengthen vocabulary 和 fine motor skills.  

〇话剧  Imaginations ignite as students work on everything from 社会 skills to problem-solving.


  • 圣经
  • 没有眼泪的笔迹
  • P.E.
  • 音乐
  • 艺术
  • 图书馆


每个孩子都以自己的速度在身体上成熟, 社会, 在情感上, 智力, 和精神上. 教师识别并支持每个孩子的成长, 相应地调整经验和期望. 通过故事, 活动, 和玩耍, 老师 intentionally support each student’s ability to regulate their emotions 和 behaviors, 建立并维持积极的关系, 在小组活动中合作和建设性地参与.


Even our littlest Eastern Christian School students participate in 圣经 class, 敬拜, 每天祈祷. 所有领域的教学都是通过圣经的世界观来进行的. 我们的 老师 are believers who exercise their faith 和 values as they model Christian behavior inside 和 outside the classroom.


We are a pre-K through grade 12 school 和 our 你ngest students are housed on our dedicated 幼儿园、小学. 学前教育 老师 collaborate with their kindergarten counterparts to ensure students are prepared for the more structured environment of the kindergarten classroom. 幼儿园就在走廊那头, 年轻的学生能够看到他们的同龄人并与他们互动, 让孩子们从幼儿园过渡到幼儿园的过程不那么吓人!


对学习者来说,在学校感到安全、为人所知和有价值是至关重要的. We hire 老师 who affirm their faith 和 live out their Christian values; parents can rest assured that 工作人员 are teaching the same lessons parents are at home. 所有新葡京app的员工都要接受背景调查, 所有教师都有心肺复苏术证书, 我们有一个专门的学生安全主管. 所有教室都配有浴室.  我们的安全和运营总监, 谁是退休警官, 确保我们的设施是最先进的和安全的, 为学习创造发展空间. 我们还提供全职护士和兼职辅导员来支持身体健康, 社会, 以及学生的情感需求.




B.A. in Elementary Education, Minor in English, Minor in Social Studies, Group Planned Pedagogical Minor


“我喜欢与我的学生分享神的话语. It has been an awesome opportunity to influence the next generation of Christian thinkers, 艺术家, 医生, 老师, 工程师等! 教导是我如何运用我的恩赐来荣耀我的天父. 我努力效法基督,因为我知道我的学生们也会效法我! My favorite thing about teaching preschool is experiencing the joy 和 wonder of our 你ngest learners. 他们敬畏我们的造物主和他所创造的世界. 他们喜欢学习, 构建, 创建, 油漆, color, 移动, 尽情地玩耍, 我可以和他们一起体验!”


安排一趟米德兰公园之旅, 新泽西, campus 和 see firsth和 why families choose our private Christian preschool for their sons 和 daughters.

